Most Recent Articles

Protecting Nature’s Greatest Asset: How Proper Tree Care Enhances Properties
The value a tree provides to a home and neighborhood branches far beyond shade relief on read more

Easy, Low-Budget Ways to Improve Any Kitchen
Guest Blogger: Bryn Huntpalmer, Editor of Looking to maximize your rental income without spending a lot read more

Educate Your Residents on Safe Grilling With These Helpful Tips
Within seconds, the joys of outdoor grilling can go up in smoke. A recent ABC News read more

10 Tips For Maintaining Electrical Safety At Your Rental Homes
Electricity is a necessary convenience and can help make any house feel like home. Because a growing read more

As Our World Turns, New Emphasis is Being Placed on Fair Housing Laws
With societal and cultural changes, new emphasis is being placed on Fair Housing laws. And housing read more

Create or Modify Drainage Systems Carefully During Periods of Flooding, Heavy Rain
Some home landscape drainage systems have been put to the test by recent heavy rains and read more

7 Ways to Help your Home Weather Severe Storms
In some parts of the country, rain from thunderstorms and severe weather has been welcome, especially read more

A Reason to Remodel: Changes to Bathrooms and Kitchens in Housing
Now that the economy is better, homeowners are treating their senses while pampering themselves without leaving read more

Take the Headaches out of Maintenance by Creating a Vendor Matrix
Maintenance is not only a dirty business but an area of the rental housing business that read more
Rental Property Management Blog Series
From keeping rental home owners happy, to property maintenance and tenant portals to marketing tips, the following series were compiled from our most popular property management blog posts.