Handling Money for Rental Properties
Handling money electronically has tremendous value not only for tenants, but also for owners, vendors and property staff. In this article, we’ll explore top considerations for managing money read more

Four Ways to Master Move Ins and Move Outs
It may be the return of warm weather or the greater freedom allowed by the end of the school year that makes this the time of year read more

Five Steps to Improved Renter Retention
Though time-consuming, finding tenants for your property owners is of paramount importance. You need to prioritize key selling points to garner quality leads and then deliver a read more

A Smooth Move Out Starts With a Well-Planned Move In
Thinking about a tenant’s move-out process before they even move in may feel like putting the cart before the horse, but property owners and managers should use read more

Six Types of Problem Tenants – and How to Deal With Them
In property management, problem tenants are an unpleasant but sometimes inevitable part of life. While a strong tenant screening solution helps to sift out bad applicants and protect read more

Fourteen Tricky Questions Commonly Asked by Prospective Tenants
While some prospective tenants fall in love with your property immediately, most approach with a bit more caution. They will ask a lot of questions, including some read more

Your Property Management Software Checklist
The explosion of software apps has made property management infinitely more efficient, accurate, profitable and even enjoyable. Many of the headaches and hassles traditionally burdening property management read more

The Value of Online Payments for Tenants, Owners and Vendors
While other industries adapted quickly to online payment systems, many property management companies still insist on paying and receiving money with old-fashioned paper checks. However, as more read more

Are Your Rental Leasing Contracts Up To Date?
It’s the busiest time of the year: rent season. During this busy time, the details of rental agreements can be hard to track. Many properties and agreements must read more

How to Appreciate Loyal Rental Property Tenants
You have overcome the first hurdle of property management by attracting high-quality tenants. Congratulations! Now, you approach the second and possibly most difficult hurdle: retaining quality tenants read more