Thought Leader Series: Take Control of Property Management
Many millennials understand that owning real estate is a path to becoming independent. While it presents opportunities for freedom and profitability, property owners also face tremendous responsibility. Each decision they read more

Rental Property Management and the Fair Housing Act
To protect your property management company, you need to understand and comply with the laws regarding fair housing, commonly known as the Fair Housing Act. Keeping this read more

6 Rental Property Management Hacks to Help You Avoid Office Time Wasters
According to Forbes, “the number of people who now admit to wasting time at work every day has reached a whopping 89%.” Can you relate? Everyone has read more

8 Things to Learn from Successful Property Managers
When you are a property manager, filling vacancies and looking after properties are not the only things on your to-do list. You have to make sure your read more

Rental Property Management and How to Be a Great Manager
Whether you are a property owner who manages your own properties or you work as a property manager for someone else, you know what it’s like to spend the read more

Should Your Property Management Company Switch to VoIP?
Do you VoIP? VoIP systems allow you to get phone service over your internet connection. Combined with other computer systems such as mobile rental property management software, read more

4 Reasons Landlords Should Welcome Wireless Home Security Systems
When a tenant asks to install a security system, your first instinct is probably a firm “no way!” Old-style wired systems tear up the walls and many read more

How to Streamline Your Property Management Processes
You want your property management business to be a top performer. How can you work more efficiently, save money, and rise to the top? Excellence in property read more

New Property Management Products and Services to Grow Your Single Family Business in 2016
As 2016 begins, you may be considering new ways to improve your property management business in the New Year. Developing goals is important, but how will you read more

Property Management Software On-the-Go: Mobile Must-Haves
Can you take your property management business on the road? As your business grows, you need to ensure that you can meet with tenants, manage renovations, and read more